Monday, January 16, 2012

DC New 52 WTF Cancellations

heard that DC just cancelled some of there New 52 titles, but these two were shocking at the most: Static Shock and Mr. Terrific with both characters being black. Static being a youthful incarnation of Black Lightning, who had his own tv show a few years back and Mr Terrific the leader of JSA who is super smart and has these robotic balls that float around him to assist his needs. I just feel like damn really, no blacks on comics. this is my most fear, when somebody wants to ask a child which superhero would you want to be. all the white children would have some answers but a black child no so much. in DC we only have Jon Stewart(Green Lantern) and Batwing left. Don't get me wrong I like Batman(or That Black Ninja Nigga named Wayne), Superman, and Green Lantern. I just don't want a child to think the only image that he or she can reflect themselves in is a thug. We need more ethnic heroes damn it!!!!

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