Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring book review

In 2001, director Peter Jackson embarked us into a journey by adapting one of the greatest series of novels ever written. The Lords of the Rings trilogy was one of the highest grossing films in it's day, with the last film "The Return of the King" won a lot of Oscars in 2004 including Best Score, Director, and Picture. And giving geeks like myself the amusement of which giving homely looking Hollywood actresses elf ears would turn them into fucking goddesses.  With the new installment, "The Hobbit" which is the prequel to the Rings trilogy and also being directed by Jackson looming over the horizon. I thought that I would get a stab in reading the Rings trilogy, starting with the Fellowship of the Ring. Does it fair or fail? It's a bit of a mix.

The book starts off with an explanation of the evolution of the hobbit species. That some were nobles, some were warriors, and some were dumb motherfuckers that don't want to have anything involved outside there tiny little holes. From there it's straight from the movie, Frodo Baggins in the shire, Gandalf and his wagon of fireworks, Bilbo's birthday celebration, the Council of Elrond, the Mines of Moria, and the breaking of the Fellowship. But there were a few differences, one there was more time spent at the Shire then the movies defiantly in the beginning and some family drama within the Baggins. A lot more characters were introduced like Tom Brombadil, and a few clans of elves before they go to the Pouncing Pony were they meet Stider or Aragorn. Whom which I consider and still consider him as a major bad ass, carries the broken sword of his royal birthright on him. He later gets another sword, but still his primary weapon is a broken blade. That's like giving a child a rock and ask him "go fight with this,". And Arwen(Liv Tylor's Character) doesn't even appear in this! She was mention but doesn't show up. That scene where Arwen takes Frodo to Rivendell and were encountered by the Ringwraiths and she drowned them with those river horses. Happened but with a male elf. The hobbits(Sam, Merry, and Pippin) are fucking children. There attention spans are low and are completely idiots. Thank you Peter Jackson for giving them slight intelligence.

But there is one thing that I must give Peter Jackson, HE CUT OUT THE FUCKING SINGING. Yes ladies and gentlemen, in every chapter of this book there's a song. I would surely note that if Jackson didn't get rights to the trilogy, this would've easily been a Disney flick. JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN STORY. I can now see why some may consider this a very boring book. It skips from story to song, which could be very annoying. But through all that, i kinda enjoyed it.  But this proves a point that the book is far more better then the movie. Isn't in this case?  If there wasn't that much singing then yes. I might continue reading the rest of the books. But I want to keep my thoughts about the film trilogy untarnished. If you want to read this books, keep an open mind and plenty of patience.

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