Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beyond Good, Beyond Evil, Beyond Your Wildest Imagiation!!!!

That's right, for the first time in my existence the first Transformers movie, that one made in 1986 is going to premiere tonight at 9 on the Hub after the season premiere of Transformers Prime. Now this is probably the first and last time this is going to get some national airtime. As you all remember, children were shattered when they witnessed the death of Optimus Prime. Although I've never saw it in the theaters(I was only 3) and saw it later on VHS, I had no problem with that. But some concerned mothers were bitching about there child's crying and complained to Hasbro. That's why later on in season 3 we get the two part episode "The Return of Optimus Prime". That's why I got this timed on the DVR cuz some little son of a bitch is going to cry at that scene which Prime is on his deathbed turning grey. But I don't care this movie rocks on all levels, because of to things: Rodimus Prime and Galvatron(THE HARD NIGGA)  

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