Thursday, February 23, 2012

Elizabeth Taylor Biopic starring Lindsay Lohan........OUTRAGE!!!!!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beyond Good, Beyond Evil, Beyond Your Wildest Imagiation!!!!

That's right, for the first time in my existence the first Transformers movie, that one made in 1986 is going to premiere tonight at 9 on the Hub after the season premiere of Transformers Prime. Now this is probably the first and last time this is going to get some national airtime. As you all remember, children were shattered when they witnessed the death of Optimus Prime. Although I've never saw it in the theaters(I was only 3) and saw it later on VHS, I had no problem with that. But some concerned mothers were bitching about there child's crying and complained to Hasbro. That's why later on in season 3 we get the two part episode "The Return of Optimus Prime". That's why I got this timed on the DVR cuz some little son of a bitch is going to cry at that scene which Prime is on his deathbed turning grey. But I don't care this movie rocks on all levels, because of to things: Rodimus Prime and Galvatron(THE HARD NIGGA)  

The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring book review

In 2001, director Peter Jackson embarked us into a journey by adapting one of the greatest series of novels ever written. The Lords of the Rings trilogy was one of the highest grossing films in it's day, with the last film "The Return of the King" won a lot of Oscars in 2004 including Best Score, Director, and Picture. And giving geeks like myself the amusement of which giving homely looking Hollywood actresses elf ears would turn them into fucking goddesses.  With the new installment, "The Hobbit" which is the prequel to the Rings trilogy and also being directed by Jackson looming over the horizon. I thought that I would get a stab in reading the Rings trilogy, starting with the Fellowship of the Ring. Does it fair or fail? It's a bit of a mix.

The book starts off with an explanation of the evolution of the hobbit species. That some were nobles, some were warriors, and some were dumb motherfuckers that don't want to have anything involved outside there tiny little holes. From there it's straight from the movie, Frodo Baggins in the shire, Gandalf and his wagon of fireworks, Bilbo's birthday celebration, the Council of Elrond, the Mines of Moria, and the breaking of the Fellowship. But there were a few differences, one there was more time spent at the Shire then the movies defiantly in the beginning and some family drama within the Baggins. A lot more characters were introduced like Tom Brombadil, and a few clans of elves before they go to the Pouncing Pony were they meet Stider or Aragorn. Whom which I consider and still consider him as a major bad ass, carries the broken sword of his royal birthright on him. He later gets another sword, but still his primary weapon is a broken blade. That's like giving a child a rock and ask him "go fight with this,". And Arwen(Liv Tylor's Character) doesn't even appear in this! She was mention but doesn't show up. That scene where Arwen takes Frodo to Rivendell and were encountered by the Ringwraiths and she drowned them with those river horses. Happened but with a male elf. The hobbits(Sam, Merry, and Pippin) are fucking children. There attention spans are low and are completely idiots. Thank you Peter Jackson for giving them slight intelligence.

But there is one thing that I must give Peter Jackson, HE CUT OUT THE FUCKING SINGING. Yes ladies and gentlemen, in every chapter of this book there's a song. I would surely note that if Jackson didn't get rights to the trilogy, this would've easily been a Disney flick. JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN STORY. I can now see why some may consider this a very boring book. It skips from story to song, which could be very annoying. But through all that, i kinda enjoyed it.  But this proves a point that the book is far more better then the movie. Isn't in this case?  If there wasn't that much singing then yes. I might continue reading the rest of the books. But I want to keep my thoughts about the film trilogy untarnished. If you want to read this books, keep an open mind and plenty of patience.

Monday, January 16, 2012

DC New 52 WTF Cancellations

heard that DC just cancelled some of there New 52 titles, but these two were shocking at the most: Static Shock and Mr. Terrific with both characters being black. Static being a youthful incarnation of Black Lightning, who had his own tv show a few years back and Mr Terrific the leader of JSA who is super smart and has these robotic balls that float around him to assist his needs. I just feel like damn really, no blacks on comics. this is my most fear, when somebody wants to ask a child which superhero would you want to be. all the white children would have some answers but a black child no so much. in DC we only have Jon Stewart(Green Lantern) and Batwing left. Don't get me wrong I like Batman(or That Black Ninja Nigga named Wayne), Superman, and Green Lantern. I just don't want a child to think the only image that he or she can reflect themselves in is a thug. We need more ethnic heroes damn it!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wonder Woman 2011 WTF

Now I've seen a lot of obscure nonsense in my day. Some were bad and some were more or less entertaining. When I found out that they were going to reboot Wonder Woman, I was kinda excited. I remember watching a few episodes featuring Lynda Cater and I've practically seen every episode of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited when Cartoon Network wasn't much of a sellout. There was even a direct to DVD animated movie that I also liked. The thought of an empowered woman that can kick ass, but has the sense of humility I find that intriguing. Wonder Woman, out of the Trinity which consist of Batman and Superman is surprisingly the most grounded. She's hard, beautiful, able to land the perfect woop ass, but is able to say with a straight face “it's for the good of mankind,” All of that went down the shitter in the supposed pilot of the reboot series.

Wonder Woman starring Adrianne Palicki, Elizabeth Hurley, Tracie Thoms, Justin Bruening, and Robin Hood as Diana's male assistant. Now note that this series head writer and wrote the pilot was David E. Kelly.......Yes, Ally McBeal David E Kelly. And he also done a lot of court shows.......WHHAAAAAAT!!!! What the fuck network? This guy probably hasn't even read a Wonder Woman comic book, seen an episode of the Carter series, or Justice League. Well it shows!!! Okay, let me pull myself. Collect myself. Because its just wrong what they've done here.

We open up with a young man being excepted to college and once the cheers were done, he started to bleed from the eyes and the mouth. Kinda what I felt like later. The next scene we see a skinhead bastard running through a crowded street in I want to say Los Angles. And he's being chased by Wonder Woman played by Adrianne Palicki. And I must say, although there was a big controversy about her costume. I really liked it. Other then her boobies were oversized, it worked.....Well, she chased skinhead dude, subdued him and took a sample of his blood and was intercepted by cops. Wonder Woman doesn't like cops especially these toys. So she turns over the punk over to them and walks away with a cheering crowd.....Right. She then takes a miniature jet fighter which looks like one of those bug ships from the mini-series Frank Herbert's Dune and lands it on top of a corporate building of Themyscira Industries. Where she is welcome by her assistance Etta played by Tracie Thoms and Henry played by Cary Elwes..........Wonder Woman is CEO of this fictional corporation!?!?!?! Okay, David E Kelly must of saw Iron Man, took the whole premise of Tony Stark coming out to the world and revealing that he's Iron Man mixed it up with Wonder Women and hope to shit that it worked. NO IT FUCKING DIDN'T!!! Wonder Woman doesn't need to vanity herself or make herself the face of a company. She's a PRINCESS...well a very humble princess. She left the amazonian(Heaven if you're a sick bastard like me) society that is Themyscira to live in 'man's' world. To blend in to see how we live , in what she only heard of in stories where she came from. The whole purpose of Wonder Woman is how can a superhuman woman live in a civilization of an complete opposite of an utopian society. Holy mother of God this is bad. She even has her own toyline!!! And she bitch about that in a board meeting about the breast size was too damn big...Well honey, you do have some big ones. The only thing I give this in some respect is the separation of Wonder Woman-CEO, company face, and Superhero to the meek and Diana Prince( just her wearing glasses. Hmmm, that sounds familiar) she's only that when she's outside the company. She goes to her apartment with her cat watching The Notebook. Yes, ladies and gentlemen David E Kelly made her a total chick.

Well it turns out that Veronica Cale played by Elizabeth 'I need a paycheck really bad' Hurley who is head of a pharmaceutical firm which is really a cover for making super soldiers. Okay Mister, you called out Iron Man and now mixing in Captain America....I don't want to continue but I must. Wonder Woman found out that the guy from the beginning and the skinhead are connected and she wants to take them down, so Cale send off a group of beefcakes to take down Wonder Woman. I was saying to myself “she eats niggas like them for breakfast,” and she delivered the smackdown with wires(literally) and brought Cale to justice. And the episode ends with Diana going back to her apartment sitting next to her cat with a beer looking at the news of her latest exploits.

Final thoughts about Wonder Woman. They needed a better writer, not a guy who has done nothing but court dramas. A character like Wonder Woman you need somebody that understands the character inside and out. Wonder Woman doesn't need to be a company face, a CEO, an action figure. How is she going to be part of 'man's' world and we see her as a God-like figure that's part of a corporation. We would fear the bitch to be honest. I enjoyed Palicki's performance as Princess Diana, she's hot, look incredible in the costume, and able to throw a punch. She didn't do a bad job as the title role but was given a bad script. I would like to see her again playing Wonder Woman in a proper reboot, tv movie , or possibly THE MOVIE. Unlike another comic book going to the small screen that was cancel before it's time of a given chance Mercy Reef aka Aquaman, this version of Wonder Woman was rightfully so should be cancel. It disrespects the whole origin of the material and ultimate bad writing. For something I've been excited for I was highly disappointed. Total fail!!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Some sons of bitches had the same idea that I had and made several complaints at the channel called Hub of not doing the G1 Transformer series any justice. Meaning that they've shown the original two of the four seasons. WHICH THEY OWN THE RIGHTS!!! WTF. Just yesterday morning they FINALLY showed the season 3 miniseries and one of my personal favorite of the series The Five Faces of Darkness which introduced new characters like Rodimus Prime, Cyclonus, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Springer, Kup, and my favorite crazy motherfucker--Lord Galvatron. So what Optimus Prime is dead and I KNOW thats the reason why they didn't want of show season 3 because Optimus is "dead" for the most part till the season finale two partter The Return of Optimus Prime. As you can tell I love season three of the Transformers, it was really really good science fiction. and it was dark and at times serious. Like in one episode, which I think is part of the FFOD that Rodimus had to disconnect himself to find an answer to a problem. another episode that Optimus comes back as a zombie and does some carzy shit. my favorite episode has to be Webworld, when the Decepticons got tired of getting the crap beaten out of them by Galvatron they all decided that he should be institutionalized. So Cyclonus the second in command tricked Galvatron to go with him to a planet with specialized in dealing with mental issues. I'm not going to spoil it watch it on YouTube or wait for it to come on the Hub. Lets just say after all the destruction that Galvatron has caused he said, "Look at this Cyclonus, this is beauty,"......WHO SAYS SHIT LIKE THIS!?!?!?! This purple and grey robot with a orange cannon is a HARD NIGGA. I love that bastard. So watch the show on saturday mornings. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pet Sematary Remake....WHY

Yeah just heard from my boss, who also happens to be a Stephen King fanatic tells me that they're going to remake Pet Sematary. I personally am all for remakes but Stephen King remakes. Unless they're going to be faithful to the book, WHY? And George Clooney is going to be involve. Well he fucked up Batman for about 10 years until Christopher Nolan and the great Christian Bale(who I said to myself after watching American Psycho years ago, if they're going to bring back Batman he's the one) threw the J.S films down the shitter to give us the great Batman films since the one with a black Harvey Dent. and they already remade two of Kings books turned to film. Salam's Lot and Carrie. Salam's Lot was more accurate to the book while Carrie was also accurate(although I saw Carrie as a plus size girl then Skeletor) but DIDN'T DO THE HIGH SCHOOL MASSACRE RIGHT!!!!  She ran outside after having Piglet's blood poured on her. looked through the gym doors and burned the school and laughing while she was doing it. THE BITCH WENT NUTS!!!! not into a stoned faced zombie. So is a Pet Sematary remake a good idea. If they stay within the source material, then maybe. I have to read the book first though.